{\b Topic Macros} Topic macros are string of text which HelpBuilder recognises during the compilation process and replaces with some appropriate text. Following is a list of all the recognised macros, together with example results: HelpBuilder application copyright \'24APPCOPYRIGHT\'24 $APPCOPYRIGHT$ HelpBuilder application name \'24APPNAME\'24 $APPNAME$ Help file copyright \'24COPYRIGHT\'24 $COPYRIGHT$ Help file last built date \'24DATE\'24 $DATE$ Help file last built time \'24TIME\'24 $TIME$ Help file title \'24TITLE\'24 $TITLE$ Topic file last changed date \'24TOPICDATE\'24 $TOPICDATE$ Help topic file name \'24TOPICFILE\'24 $TOPICFILE$ \'24TOPICFULLFILE\'24 $TOPICFULLFILE$ Topic file last changed time \'24TOPICTIME\'24 $TOPICTIME$ HelpBuilder version number \'24VERNO\'24 $VERNO$